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Jeremy Self

Mainframe programmer who also happens to enjoy coding in Python.

  1. SSH Bots and Analysis

    About a month ago, I migrated my server hosting to a new cloud provider. I’m trying some new things, but as part of that process I’ve once more looked into trying to analyze ssh bot activity. It may not be very useful, but it’s somewhat interesting. …

  2. Covid-19 and Halloween

    With Covid-19 taking over the year, there has seemingly been more work than ever. I’m still working on projects in Python, but I’ve been considering starting something up in Rust or C. I have plenty of books on C, but have been frustrated in some aspects before that kept me from progressing further. You know how Python makes types so easy…that’s one of my problems… I should have more patience for that now. Also trying to pick up REXX at work. …

  3. Vacations

    Have been able to take some time off from work. Every once in a while you just need a refresher. I’ve been taking this oppurtinity to read up on different perspectives through The Programatic Programmer. I’ve only really made it through the first chapter right now, but there’s quite a bit of wisdom in those pages. Some of it could be common sense, but you don’t really think about it all the time. Suggestions such as not blaming others, when you can do something about the problems. Learning how to present new ideas to get what you want accomplished. I’m looking forward to all I could learn from the next chapters. I think it’s good to do something to invest in yourself every once in a while. …

  4. Domains

    Do you ever get to a point where collecting new domain names is fun? I feel like I might be at that point, although I don’t think I use them effectively. That’s the sad part, but I think I’m willing to let some go. No big deal… As mentioned in my earlier post, I have a hard time keeping the ones I have updated with new content. If you yourself have a great idea, then I’d suggest getting yourself setup with a domain name from Namecheap. They’re who I trust to handle all of my domains. There should be a link below, if you’d like to check them out. They usually have specials running from time to time on new domains and transfers. …

  5. Migrated Website

    I decided to migrate my website from my previous host, mostly because I didn’t update it often enough. That, and I really just needed to make it simpler. Maybe the simplicity will enable me to add to it more often. …